Monday 15 August 2016

Rediscover these 6 classic books with a bottle of red wine

It is not only good food and wine that make the perfect pairing, a
classic novel paired with an iconic red wine is a match made in

Here are six classics to rediscover while enjoying Roodeberg, a 67
year-old blend steeped in history.

Just as these books were written by some of the greatest writers and
re-mastered by some of the greatest filmmakers the world has ever
seen, so has Roodeberg been skilfully blended and enjoyed the world

1. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

The novel chronicles the 'Jazz Age' era, focused on bootlegging,
unscrupulous behaviour and the Prohibition era it's perfect for a cozy
winters evening to delve into the 1920's Fitzgerald world. This
classic was re-mastered into a film in 2013 by Baz Luhrman.

2. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

Made famous by its innovative style and infamous for its controversial
subject makes for a heavy read as the protagonist Humbert Humbert,
becomes obsessed and sexually involved with a twelve-year old girl
named Dolores Haze. The movie directed by Adrian Lyne became a classic
in 1997 when it was released onto the silver screen. A glass of wine
is needed to calm the nerves.

3. Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

This was Dickens thirteenth novel and his penultimate completed novel.
Takes you on a journey of personal growth and development of an orphan
nicknamed Pip. Set in Kent and London in the mid-19th century delves
into themes like: wealth, poverty, love, rejection and the triumph of
good over evil. Classically revived in film by the box office hit
directed by Mike Newell in 2013.

4. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Caroll

Any novel that has been around since the 1800's and still being
adapted in modern times is a shining example of how influential the
characters and imagery from this story have been in popular culture.

A number of film adaptations have been produced but in 2010, Alice in
Wonderland directed by Tim Burton allowed people of all ages to
rediscover this classic and more recently this year with the movie
Alice Through the Looking Glass.

5. The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

This classic novel is the fourth-most translated book in the world and
was voted the best book of the 20th century in France. It is a poetic
tale about a pilot stranded in the desert meets a young prince fallen
to earth from a tiny asteroid. This charming tale was rediscovered as
a movie last year by director Mike Osborne who took this 1943 French
novel and turned it into a animated movie which became the most
successful French animated film abroad of all time.

6. The Stand by Stephen King

A post-apocalyptic horror fantasy novel originally published in 1978
and re-released in 1990 as a complete and uncut edition, considered
one of Kings finest works. A four-part miniseries was also released in
1994, which starred the writer himself in one of the lead roles.

The story takes you into the new world, the day after the world
'ends.' Either you choose, sides or are chosen. Grab a glass, light
the fire and settle in to meet some unnerving characters.

Join the conversation on Twitter and share your suggested classic
novels that you enjoy a glass of @KWVWines with #redisocoveraclassic