
Monday 3 August 2020

Rare glimmer of hope hits South Africa as Covid-19 active cases decline by 10%

There is, finally, a glimmer of hope at the end of the awful Covid-19 tunnel: as we report today, the number of active cases across the country has declined by 10% over the past week. 

Although the total number of confirmed Covid cases has now passed the 500 000 mark and deaths are still at high levels, the reality is that recovery numbers are also increasing, to the point where now almost 70% of those who have been infected by the coronavirus have recovered. That number will only get higher with time.

As President Cyril Ramaphosa pointed out, it is too early to roll out the vuvuzelas of celebration and, indeed, there might be those in the government who would accuse us of sparking reckless behaviour from people who might think the worst is over.

That is not our intention, but we are also concerned that, in a pandemic such as this, the public should be given accurate figures and that these should not be withheld or massaged to get people to act in a certain way.

We've already seen how the information around the dangers of cigarettes has been manipulated to justify the ongoing ban.

For now, though, let's enjoy the moment of hope.