
Wednesday 1 February 2017

#Isibaya's Lerato talks about playing a bewitched girl

With a Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing Management, 24-year-old Florence Mokgatsi found herself more suited to acting than behind a desk in a nine-to-five job.

Having started with small roles on television, Florence has managed to build a solid reputation in the acting industry.

Currently playing the role of Lerato, the daughter to a taxi company supervisor on Mzansi Magic's series Isibaya, Florence says her character has been through many trials and tribulations.

"Lerato has gone through so much; first she lost her baby and she is currently trying to recover from being bewitched by a wicked sangoma who has also held her captive for weeks."

Florence says although the scenes were emotionally taxing, she really enjoyed playing the bewitched parts,' "I did a lot of research prior to these scenes," she said.

Florence says all the witchcraft and muthi was new to her and she learnt so much, "It was quiet an experience because I am a Christian and you would never find me kneeling at a sangomas's office," she laughs.

"I don't judge anyone's on their beliefs but zombies, witchcraft and sangomas's are not in my lane," she added.

Florence says, she hopes to grow her acting career and to be recognised as one of the best in the country and eventually open her own production company.

Isibaya airs on Mzansi Magic, channel 161 every weekday at 20:30.

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