
Tuesday 31 January 2017

Africa's fortunes set to attract AB InBev investment

Africa will be the new frontier for Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev), which recently concluded a merger deal with SABMiller and executives at the company reckon that focused investment on markets such as South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia and others will boost economic growth and opportunities for farmers.

The company has forayed into Africa at a time of difficulties for some of the region's economies, with growth expected to continue to be muzzled for the next few years, according to some economists.

Dirina Mançellari, a senior economist at FocusEconomics, says growth in sub-Saharan Africa will "remain subdued (for this year) on the back of economic and political challenges across the region" as well as lack of much-needed structural reforms.

"Economic progress will depend to a significant extent on how fast governments can implement reforms aimed at promoting growth, re-establishing macroeconomic stability and enhancing trade links within the region,"

But riding on SABMiller's experience on the continent, AB InBev – the biggest brewer in the world – has set its immediate sights on understanding the African markets and boosting growth.