
Tuesday 20 December 2016

Shumaya singer in hot water for slapping a cop #KeDezemba

On Monday morning Shumaya singer Zinhle Ngidi drove with her manager Bhuti Sitole to fetch her toddler from her mother's flat in downtown Joburg.

On entering the street, the pair were stopped by police due to a road closure.
"We told the officer we needed to park closer to the flat in order for us to fetch a baby and get the baby's luggage which was too much for Zinhle to carry on her own."
But they say they were told to "voetsek."

Sithole says after attempting to go into the flat, they eventually parked some distance from the street and Zinhe walked to get the baby and was assisted by her mother and her sister in carrying the baby's luggage back to the car.

While packing the luggage in the car, Sithole says officer M.A. Tshoane approached them and started swearing and being aggressive.

"Zinhle told the officer that we did not use the road, we listened to them and we parked somewhere else," says Sithole.

Sithole says the Metro police officer then became more aggressive, pushed Zinhle's mom out of the way and went charging at Zinhle with a smack.

"I wont lie, Zinhle smacked her back because she was defending herself," Sithole says.

He added that Zinhle was detained with her toddler and the child was later given to her mother.

"Zinhle is currently being detained with her sister; who did nothing, at John Voster Police Station in Johannesburg and we are waiting for the lawyer to attend to the matter."

Sithole says they tried to open a case at the police station but the officers told them they are not allowed to open a case.

she was pushing my mom

— AlbumOutInStores (@ZinhlengidiSA) December 19, 2016