
Wednesday 21 December 2016

#ProductReview: #Jameson 12yr old has that #KeDezembaBoss factor

There is something so delightful about Irish Whiskey to me. I honestly can't tell you what it is, but I'm consistently drawn to it. Sure I'll spend weeks at a time deep in bourbon country or on the Isles of Scotland, but I always find myself back in Ireland.

No matter what the reason, it always feels a bit like coming home to me when I pour a dram of something Irish. Comforting is the best way I can describe it.
Overall I like the Jameson 12 yr Special Reserve. I don't love it and it has it's flaws (price being one of them), but it's something that I could settle in with over a long weekend.

Something that is easy to slowly sip neat and enjoy the mingling of sweet dessert notes with malt and that classic Irish spice. It's definitely not my go-to, but it's something tasty and mellow that compliments a relaxing afternoon at home.

What do you think of the Jameson 12 yr Special Reserve?

Jameson 12 Review

ABV: 40%

EYE: Amber

NOSE: Warm caramel, malt and citrus float out of the glass and up the nose. Following close behind are notes of butterscotch, grains, spice and vanilla frosting with a kick of grain alcohol rolling about.

TASTE: Caramel and malt pair off with some dark fruit and hard candy which stirs up some toffee, citrus, 'Nilla Wafers and a bit of grain alcohol. Sherry like sweetness permeates the entire palate and gives it an almost cloying nature and if it weren't for the malt and spice notes this would topple over under the weight of the repeating sweetness.

FEEL: Smooth and supple this is the texture Irish Whiskey is famous for and is winning them new fans left and right.

FINISH: A long finish of malt, cinnamon, caramel and wood slowly fades to grain alcohol.

SCORE : 89/100