
Thursday 15 December 2016

How about having a beer that suits your DNA?

Beer drinkers could soon be knocking back a pint specially designed to suit their DNA.

A brewery has invented a way to find out what flavour ale lovers want by studying their genetics.

But you might have to skip a few rounds down the local to afford it. For the process costs an eye-watering £25,000.

Brewmaster Ciaran Giblin, of London-based Meantime Brewery, claimed it was a unique innovation.

He said: "Having been aware of the potential of at-home genetic mapping, I sent a simple saliva sample to a DNA- testing company.

"The results gave me the tools I needed to develop a recipe based on the elements my senses are most attuned to enjoy. I'm delighted with the result.
This has given us the opportunity to really push the boundaries of innovative, personalised brewing."

Customers who sign up to the scheme will receive "at least" 2,000 pints of their own "Bespoke beer" – which works out at a hefty £12 a pint.

They will also be given the opportunity to learn more about the craft of brewing.

Ciaran explained: "I was determined to step things up a notch and bring personal preference to the forefront with the intention of brewing the ultimate beer.

"This led us to the creation of a beer which is specifically tailored to one person – me."

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