
Friday 23 December 2016

#Christmas dinner food ideas

We all look forward to Christmas dinner but it can be a nightmare to organise on the day.

Is the turkey done? When should we put the potatoes in? And just how do you get them nice and crispy? "Please don't give us mushy sprouts again!" Sound familiar? Well help is on hand, sit back, relax and read on.

Delia's Pigs in Blankets

Seal the sausages and then cool and slit. Spoon in hot horseradish. Stretch the bacon and wrap around the sausages to seal in the horseradish. Cook in the oven for 10-15 minutes and then serve.

Phil's Perfect Parsnips

Boil first. Then put them in the oven at 200°C/Gas Mark 6 with a bit of oil for 40 minutes, turning once. Cut them in half so they are chunky. Pour on 2tbsp honey and sprinkle over 1tbsp cumin and cook for a further five minutes to
glaze. They burn quickly, so keep an eye on them.

Jason's Perfect Roasties

Peel the potatoes, cut into even-sized chunks. Boil for 10mins, until the outer edge is fluffy but not totally falling apart. Drain and leave to steam for 5mins.
Then, give them a vigorous toss in the colander to roughen up the cooked edges.

Add the potatoes to your tray, making sure each one is covered in fat and give them a sprinkling of salt. Place them on the highest shelf of the oven and roast for 40-50 minutes, or until golden brown. Sprinkle with a little more crushed
salt before serving.

Jamie's Cumin Carrots

Put the carrots into a saucepan and cover with water. Add a tbsp of sugar, a knob of butter and a pinch of salt. Cook until tender then sprinkle over 2tbsp of cumin. Serve topped with the remaining knob of butter.

Nigella's Saucy Treats

Cranberry sauce: Add two tablespoons of double cream at the end and sprinkle with lots of grated nutmeg.

Bread sauce: Add two tablespoons of double cream at the end and then sprinkle with plenty of grated nutmeg.

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