
Wednesday 16 November 2016

Hate your job? Here is how to love it!

Like any other aspect of life, there will be good days and bad days at work. On some days, the passion will shine through and everything will flow work-wise. And exactly the opposite will happen on other days.

Change Partners Psychologist and Executive Coach Lindiwe Mkhondo says when the bad days start outnumbering the good ones, perhaps it's time to re-evaluate your job.

"It's normal at some point in your career to feel uninspired and stuck in a rut. While it's easy to place blame on your workload, colleagues or environment, very often these reasons for your dissatisfaction come from within you," she says.

Mkhondo adds that by taking action and making use of small introspective steps, you can make a real difference in your career. "Don't settle for mediocracy in your job. If you aren't happy, it's important to believe that you are capable of bringing your desires to fruition. Remember that small steps, done consistently will get you where you want to be. Plant seeds of positive attitude and affirm yourself."

Explore your purpose  

Envision your happiest self. What do you look like? What kind of work are you doing? Where are you working? And how does this make you feel?

Once you have determined what would make you happiest, analyse what you need to do in order to achieve it. Write down a list of steps you can implement, as well as a deadline for each step, to move you closer to your goals. Also analyse how your current job fits into the bigger picture. A defined purpose will give you the motivation to work towards something as opposed to coasting along.

Clarify your values

Let your values guide your decisions and your priorities. Commit to living each day as a testament to what you have declared to be most important in your life. Make sure your work aligns to these values and you'll be more driven at the workplace.

Challenge yourself

Feeling uninspired is often linked to boredom. If you feel as if you have plateaued or are no longer being challenged, aim to take action and get out of your comfort zone.

Learn more about your industry by attending suitable networking events or seminars, reading journals and sector publications, or furthering your studies. You could also further your career by improving other skills such as public speaking, business writing or management skills. Choose a skill that you haven't mastered and strive to improve it. Try to change habits, attitudes and behaviours that limit your full potential.

Take on more responsibility

Inform your line manager that you would like to diversify your skill set or take on more responsibility. Also offer to help your colleagues out where suitable. Not only will you stand to learn new skills, but this will also show management that you have a positive and willing attitude.

Empower others

You may have reached your ceiling within your company, but you stand to achieve great fulfilment by sharing your knowledge and empowering others. Take the time to assist those who are new or less experienced or offer to become a mentor.

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