
Monday 14 November 2016

A Donald Trump presidency - Africa responds

The victory of Donald J Trump as the 45th President of the United States of America has been dubbed 'the biggest political upset in modern history', leaving both international experts and global markets reeling. 
The US is a significant trade, investment and development partner for Africa. In a recent poll, 83% of participants were convinced the outcome of the US elections would have an impact on Africa. 
For this reason, SAIIA asked leading partners across Africa for their views on US priorities for Africa under the new administration. The responses have been published in a new feature, 'A Trump Presidency: Africa Responds.' Some excerpts are included below:
"With Trump's clear opposition to free trade, US alliances and foreign aid, some US engagements in Africa may be adversely affected. This lack of interest in supporting foreign projects and programmes is likely to be extended to US support to Africa's health and education sectors." ~ Chukwuka Onyekwena, Executive Director, Centre for the Study of Economics of Africa, Nigeria
"Trump's greatest impact will be on global efforts to combat climate change. The UN's Paris Agreement on Climate Change will be severely compromised without US support (including financial), and without US national policy to stem carbon emissions." ~ Anton du Plessis, Executive Director, Institute for Security Studies.