
Thursday 27 October 2016

Women spend more time working than men

As if staying late at the office wasn't bad enough, let this sink in: You'll likely work 13 minutes longer than your male peers today and every day, according to a new report. In many parts of the world, women are averaging 50 minutes more work than men each day for a whopping 39 additional work days every calendar year.

That's the latest from the World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap Report 2016, which came with even more depressing news: The global gap between women and men—from the loathsome pay gap to political under-representation and even the number of STEM program graduates—won't close for another 170 years.

Last year's report estimated we'd close the gender gap by 2133. Now, it's 2186. To say we've moved in a very wrong direction would be a serious understatement.

Though implementing a major societal upheaval to bring forth gender equality may be a hard task for one person, there are simple ways you can close your own, personal gap: Take those vacation days you've been saving up since spring, get ready to negotiate a raise at your upcoming yearly review, and for goodness sake, make your partner do the dishes tonight.