
Sunday 18 September 2016

Three uses of salt that will thrill you, for real

Apart from using salt in our meals, we hardly use it for anything
else. We use a pinch when baking or a teaspoon in lots of water when
we have a sore throat. But common salt is usually ignored.

Kitchen items like baking soda, lemon juice etc. get all the publicity
and stuff. But no longer. For our purposes here, use iodized salt.
This contains sodium, chlorine and iodine. Here are three uses you
didn't know you can get out of your table salt:

1. Hair Softener
Does your hair break when you comb it? If you belong to the class of
people who have very coarse and hard hair texture, then your table
salt can rescue you. Add two tablespoons of salt to your shampoo.
Shake well to mix it together. Wet your hair. Then apply the salt
shampoo mixture to the roots of your hair. Massage properly. Then wash
off. This will remove product buildup and keep your hair softer.

2. Dandruff Treatment
Dandruff is a problem for many people. The flaky itchy nuisance called
dandruff can easily be cured. All you need? Just some salt! Partition
your hair into sections. Wet your fingers. Then pick up some salt with
your wet fingers and massage that section. The salt will act as an
exfoliator and remove the dead skin cells that cause those
embarrassing flakes. Wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner after
you've massaged your entire hair with salt.

3. Increase Hair Volume
People with full hair are often the envy of those with thin and scanty
hair. The full hair struggle is one that I'll simply say:

If you want fuller and bouncier hair, salt can help you with that. Mix
equal amount of salt and conditioner in a bowl. Shampoo your hair like
you'd usually do. Then apply the salt and conditioner mixture to the
roots of your hair. Wait 20 minutes before rinsing it off. Do this
once in two months. This is so the salt doesn't dry out your hair.

(Credit: OMGVoice)