
Wednesday 21 September 2016

#SuperSport to broadcast live on Facebook

SuperSport's streaming service will take on another exciting dimension
this week with its first live TV broadcast on Facebook.

With a total social audience of over 14 million, SuperSport is
widening its digital reach by offering a live stream of the Varsity
Football Final between TUT and UJ on Thursday from 5.15pm (CAT).

This is a first for SuperSport, making TV content available for free
on SuperSport's Football Facebook page, one of the biggest on the

"SuperSport has built a massive community of engaged sport fans and we
are excited by the possibilities of this step," said Gideon Khobane,
chief executive of SuperSport. "The digital broadcast landscape is
fast changing, not least in the voracious consumption of video. We
hope this appeals to people on the move and unable to watch on the
traditional television platform.

"We encourage varsity sports fans who can't get to a TV to join the
live stream and show their support for their team."

Khobane assured that SuperSport will continue to explore various
streaming options on multiple digital platforms, including

Khobane's elation was shared by Francois Pienaar, founder of Varsity Sports.

"We're very excited by the latest developments by our broadcast
partners, SuperSport, to allow for live streaming on their Facebook
page. This is a first for us and we believe this will open Varsity
Football to a much wider audience."

Don't miss the Varsity Football final - TUT vs UJ – LIVE on Thursday
on SS4, SS-Select SA and at 17:15

The feed will only be made available in Sub-Saharan Africa.
