
Friday 16 September 2016

Siyakha Tshayela disconnected from #Idols

Is today Friday the 13th? Hmmm no it isn't.

But some bad news that crept into my inbox is that Siyakha Tshayela
has been withdrawn from the 2016 season of Idols South Africa with
immediate effect as a result of a dispute between herself and an
independent recording company.

It turns out that participants are required to sign an exclusive
recording deal with the Idols-appointed recording label when they
enter the series.

On the 1st of August, Siyakhainformed Idols that she had entered into
discussions with an independent recording company before entering the
competition, but she maintained there was no contract in place. The
recording company insists there is.

"Discussions have been held with all the affected parties since then,
but there is still no resolution. Due to conditions stipulated by the
Idols format rights holder, we are unable to continue with a
contestant that is currently involved in a legal dispute of this
nature. Ms. Tshayela is therefore not able to continue as a
contestant," said Idols.

One has to feel sorry for the young lady after getting this far. With
the power of her voice, she just has to pick up the pieces and soldier