
Thursday 15 September 2016

Mapaseka Koentle sheds light on her Dintle character #Scandal

"So is that it? Where is the jewellery? This is a jewellery moment,"
she vents out at her not so rich husband.

She graces our screens as the vivacious Dintle who stops at nothing
until she gets what she wants. She is all about the money and breaks
all the rules for some jewellery and top quality clothes.

Dintle is just the sort of young woman that most parents warn their
children from being friends with but the actress who plays her says
she is more of an honest, hard-working girl who tries to be nice to

Mapaseka Koetle alludes that while her role in 'Scandal!' fits her
perfectly, she doesn't herself have any of the ruthless qualities of
her character …

Speaking to SunBuzz recently, award winning Mapaseka divulged: "Dintle
loves money so much she sold her daughter. She is always scheming and
wants all the best things, but doesn't want to work for them.

"I also have a lot of energy, but I don't like hurting people. I
believe in hard work to get what I want."

Scandal! airs every weekday on eTV at 7:30pm.