
Friday 2 September 2016

How to promote your business #Entrepreneurs

Tick...tock...tick...tock.. That is the sound of business, right? We
are living in an epoch governed by young entrepreneurs. While others
are making it with ease, a mass majority are struggling to promote
their businesses.

Fear of failure should never prevent you from aspiring to reach new
grounds. The tables turn every time and your greatest possession would
be your ability to promote your business before it shrinks.

Below are a few pointers to take. Give it a go and see where they lead you.

Have good quality products and/or services: One of the surest ways to
promote your business is through the products and/or services that you
sell or offer. The quality might help you get free advertisement from
some of your customers through their word-of-mouth referrals.

 Work your networks: Many businesses thrive because of the network of
the business owner(s). In business it's often said that your network
is your net worth, because it's usually the number of people you know
who are likely to support you in business. It's important to build the
right network of people that might support you and also help you
promote your business.

 Use technology: With the advent of social media and technology in our
modern world, it's possible to make your business known to many people
and grow your customer base. For instance, you can create a business
website that is regularly stocked with the products and/or services
that you sell and their prices. You can blog to promote your business
and might also want to use social media platforms such as Facebook.

Donate or sponsor: One of the oldest but most effective ways of
promoting your business is through visible sponsorships or donation.
Identify a community organisation that you can assist financially,
offer your services pro-bono or offer your products to them for free.
This will go a long way into putting your name out there.