
Monday 29 August 2016

Young entrepreneurs are redefining business

Young entrepreneurs are building the future of our country. That
future will be shaped, to some extent, by their values, priorities and

Some of the most interesting local findings on South African young
entrepreneurs include:

-       78% say they would sacrifice profit to stay true to their values

-       80% see doing social good as a high priority

-       52% make time to socialise with their team at least once a
week, with 23% committing to every fortnight

-       57% say Facebook is their preferred channel for brands to
communicate with them, followed by personalised emails at 34%

-       29% started a business to be a master of their own destiny,
followed by 21% to make money, and 21% to turn an idea into a reality.

The report, which examines the attitudes and behaviours of young
entrepreneurs around the world shows that they are optimistic and put
in the hours, but want flexibility over when, where and with whom they
do business. They are determined to surround themselves with people
who share their values and ambitions. And, they are especially good at
using technology to overcome obstacles, using mobile tools to work
remotely, stay in contact with co-workers, and run their business.

This generation is serious about maintaining their work/life balance,
making investments in philanthropy and staying true to their personal