
Wednesday 24 August 2016

Wanna be ambitious and competitive? Here's how

Ambition gets a bad rap. The trait that pushes someone toward success
can sometimes turn into a game where winning isn't about achieving;
it's about beating the other person. Channel it correctly, however,
and ambition can bring great results.Ambition gets a bad rap. The
trait that pushes someone toward success can sometimes turn into a
game where winning isn't about achieving; it's about beating the other
person. Channel it correctly, however, and ambition can bring great

Here how you can become a very ambitious and competitive person in 5 ways:

1. Select something you wish to accomplish in the next 1-5 years.

There are many factors that go into what you would like to accomplish.
Your age, educational qualifications, bank balance and family
connections all factor into the equation. Be realistic and go for
something you feel like you can achieve which would make you happy.

2. Try to go for a 1-year plan.

This will make it easier for you as you will then be able to see
tangible results quickly and can feel happy that you've made progress.
Waiting 5 years can be hard and many things can happen during this
time. It could be as simple as mastering Photoshop and then using that
skill to make money.

3. Make money with your accomplishment.

Being able to make money with the thing you desire to achieve is very
important as it provides impetus. Money is necessary for continuous
improvement and to network with people in the industry. For instance,
if you wanted to be truly great at Photoshop you would need to have
some money to move to a place where there are ample jobs and top
professionals who can share their expertise. Not to mention you also
want to attend conferences and events that are relevant to this skill.

4. Share your knowledge

In this day and age, it is all about continuous learning and one has
to be ready to adapt as quickly as possible. It is who knows you and
you want to put your best foot forward by letting people know that you
have expertise. Additionally, it is great way to connect with
like-minded people who can fuel your competitive drive. It is hard to
be a loner so being good at something you enjoy and hanging out with
such people will give you immense pleasure.

5. Set goals to achieve something you would be proud of and then look
to gather the knowledge necessary to live an independent life.

This is very much necessary to keep you motivated and be at the top of
your game when competing. So try to look to get your own place even if
it is on rent and your own food, etc. To do this you may have to go
against the grain and be disruptive in your line of work. At the end
of the day, if you are very good at something then you must get paid
what you're worth.