
Thursday 18 August 2016

South Africa needs more startup businesses

The Global Entrepreneur Monitor (GEM) global report says that while
South Africa is not alone in its decline and failure rate for small
businesses, what remains concerning is the country's low level of
start-up activity, Mike Anderson, Founder & CEO of the National Small
Business Chamber (NSBC), says that there are many mixed messages when
it comes to the state of South Africa entrepreneurship, but what
remains key is to continue working towards building a culture of
self-employment and sustainability.

"If we had to rely on the statistics alone, South Africa would not
build a small business community at all, instead it would rely on
multi-nationals to develop the economy. This is the polar opposite of
what we need as a nation. We need to create our own wealth and
entrepreneurship provides one of the main engines of growth in any
healthy economy," says Anderson.

Gearing up for My Business Expo in Cape Town, Anderson says that one
of the main challenges for current and aspiring entrepreneurs is
funding. "The GEM report says that of the 73% of adults that recognise
entrepreneurship as a good career choice, just 9,2% actually start
businesses. While there are many factors that can contribute to
business failure, funding is probably the most common."

He says that this year's My Business Expo features the 'Build a
Business LIVE' free seminars and he will be discussing how to start a
business with no money: "We need to start encouraging South Africans
to think beyond a job. If we can alter mindsets, address the
challenges and realise what is possible, small business development
will develop naturally."