
Sunday 21 August 2016

Carol Tshabalala - The first lady of sports shines at #Rio2016

The thrill of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games will forever linger in the
memories of many. Talk of the historic feats of Michael Phelps, Usain
Bolt, Caster Semenya, Wayde Van Niekerk, Ayana, Mo Farah just to name
a few.

But the games were even memorable for award winning South African
sports broadcaster and renowned MC, Carol Tshabalala.

As well as proving her worth as a global sports ambassador, Carol's
role at the Rio 2016 Olympics provides another opportunity for viewers
across the world to see just how versatile in sport she is.

"It's special to be part of the team keeping Africa informed on
everything that is happening with its athletes in Rio. This fourth
Olympics experience has been memorable, with South Africa performing
the best it ever has since re-admission to the Olympic family in
Atlanta, 1996," she shares.

Carol has had the pleasure of rubbing shoulders with celebrated global
sports personalities that include Olympic sprint champion Carl Lewis
and many others.

Always at the forefront of global sporting events, Carol Tshabalala
reminds us why she is the undisputed 'First Lady of Sports'.

Way to go Carol!