
Wednesday 20 July 2016

Why not have a problem free life?

It’s not about avoiding problems. That has never been the goal. It’s about learning to handle problems, obstacles, and challenges with ease. Problems aren’t causing you trouble; you are using problems to cause yourself trouble. A problem for you may not be a problem for your best friend. And a problem you had a year ago may not be a problem any longer, even if it is still present

1. Perspective

One of the first “secrets” to a problem-free life is adopting a new perspective. Problems do not need to be eliminated from your life, only from your mind. The focus is on eliminating the mental turmoil that most people experience when they have problems. They make them bigger than they seem.

2. Attitude

It’s not a magical place. Nothing changes, except you. People look for magic pills, quick fixes, and strange concoctions, but they do not exist, unless you create them. The truth is so anti-climactic that no one tells you about it, because it cannot be sold in a bottle. Living a problem-free life begins within you. There is nothing you need to do except make the decision.

3. Using Your Brain for a Change

Your mind is like a highly sophisticated computer. You know how to be depressed, lonely, frustrated, happy, curious, and even inspired. You’ve learned how to feel all of those different states, and each one of them requires a set of skills. If someone is depressed, they are excellent at dismissing happy thoughts and focusing on the negative. It’s a skill.

4. Letting Go of the Old

Painful memories are a dime a dozen. Everyone has them. Our memories are plastic, which means that they are changing all the time. Memories aren’t rigid, inflexible things. They are constantly recreated. Each time you re-member something, you re-create it. That is why as you learn and grow, some things stop bothering you. When you go back and re-member, it has changed, because you have changed.

5. Dealing With the New

The choice of not learning how to take control of your mind is still a choice. There is no way for you to blame someone else. As you take more responsibility, you will start to get a taste of what I call “the problem-free life.” It’s not a magical place. Nothing changes, except you.