
Wednesday 27 July 2016

Food tricks just for you, her and him!

Tjooe the other day I was inside a large retail outlet scanning for "bargain" food to buy. Things are rapidly shooting up and very soon good food will be the preserve of those that can afford.

I am a breakfast person. Hey, I just love my breakfast and I always make the most of my morning meal by cooking up a storm, especially during weekends. But do you know that there are some food tricks that you can try out?

These magic food tips might seem like obvious common sense tricks everyone should know, but somehow most of us still struggle and curse as we try to crack nuts, cut bread, and even eat ice cream on a hot day.

But struggle no more!

Read on for a couple of handy tricks to get around some of life’s more every day irritations:

1. Forever battling with your unyielding recipe book while trying to make a tricky dish? Place it between the clips of an unused pants hanger, and hook it onto a cupboard handle for easy access.

2. Went on holiday by mistake? Setting Doritos alight if you are in desperate need of kindling for your fire works like a charm.

3. Tired of ruining your beautiful cake by squashing it while cutting? Dental floss is a great tool to use if you want to cut soft food like cake and some cheeses.

4. Tired of squashing your freshly baked white bread loaf while trying to cut it? Did you know it’s much better to cut bread with the bottom side up, where it is softer, than from the much harder crust on top?

5. Have to cut the corn off many ‘a cob? Use a bundt cake pan to do so. Place the corn in the hole of the pan to keep it upright while you cut the corn off with an electric knife.

6. Having no luck cracking that pesky pistachio nut shell? Try opening one pistachio nut with another! Wedge a loose pistachio shell into the crack of an unopened one, twist it, and voila!

7. Ice cream melting fast than your mouth can manage? Use a muffin liner to stop ice lollies from melting onto your fingers. Drive the ice cream stick through the bottom of the muffin liner and slide it up until the bottom of the ice cream is nestled inside it. Your melted ice cream will now collect in this handy cup!

8. Too stingy to buy specially made pegs for closing bags of food? Remove and use the clips from unused pants hangers instead.

9. Did you know you can remove strawberry stems with a straw? Stick a straw into the bottom of the strawberry and push it all the way through to the top, until the leaves on the top pop out with the straw.

10.  Gritting your teeth futilely trying to grip that slippery bit of rogue egg shell? Do this with success and ease by slightly wetting your fingers before picking shells out of raw egg whites.