
Thursday 7 July 2016

Do you know how often you touch your phone?

Fact: Our phones occupy most of our time!

We are living in 'Trending' times that require us to spend most of our time on these innovative gadgets that the revolutionalized world prefers calling "Smartphones".

A new study has found the average person touches their phone a whopping 2,617 times a day, totalling around a million times a year. <br>

Researchers at research firm and software producer dscout monitored the behaviours of 94 Android users to gather the findings, also noting that 10 per cent pressed their screens 5,427 times during the course of a day, totalling over two million times over 12 months. According to Michael Winnick, founder and CEO of dscout, the numbers won’t be going down.

“I don’t think we are close to reaching ‘peak digital,’” he told

“Interaction styles may change and this creates an opportunity for new forms, like voice, augmented reality, and VR. So the form will likely change.

“If we were betting on it, we’d say the amount of time we are spending through digitally mediated products won’t go down. We just might not be using our fingers as much.”

Individuals were tracked over 24 hours for five days, with the data showing many participants spent around 2.42 hours a day touching the smartphone display, while the 10 per cent of users came in at 3.75 hours, doing everything from texting, using Tinder to scrolling through Facebook.

The data pointed out an average of 76 different phone sessions throughout the day, while the elite 10 per cent had 132 sessions.

“We aren’t necessarily glued to our phones for long periods. It’s more like 76 reps a day with a five-ounce dumbbell,” Winnick added. “Long usage sessions are rare – mostly Netflix and reading. In general, people prefer lots of little sessions with breaks in between.”

This isn’t good news for people’s hands though, as hand surgeon Dr. Mark Ciaglia recently told FOX5 that he’s seeing more and more patients 40 years old and younger coming in with painful inflammation and stiffness in their joints, caused by the likes of texting and gaming.

“With the advent of texting and video games and excessive use of computers and typing you’re wearing the joints out sooner so we’re actually seeing a shift in the demographics of patients that get the arthritis because they’re just wearing their joints out so much sooner,” Dr. Ciaglia, at Woodlands Center for Specialty Surgery in Texas, said.

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