
Thursday 14 July 2016

10 simple steps for a killer body

Want to have a great body ? How to Get a Bikini Worthy Body. Getting your body ready for bikini season will take some hard work and dedication, but it doesn’t have to be torture Try these quick and easy tricks.

1. Skip diet products. These types of food leave you feeling unsatisfied because they usually don’t fill you up. Stick to real, non-processed foods to satisfy your cravings.

2. Don’t go more than three to four hours without a meal or snack. You’ll get super hungry and freak out and eat everything in sight when you finally have a second to settle. And then you’ll just feel nasty and bloated. Try an apple with peanut butter, whole-fat cheese with a fruit, a handful of nuts with a piece of fruit, or a glass of whole milk.

3.Stay hydrated throughout the day. Sometimes your body confuses hunger with thirst, so keep a drink on hand. The water acts as a liver detoxifier for fatand the cleaner your liver, the faster your metabolism. Aim for two to three liters (around 13 cups) of water a day if you want more energy.

4. Eighty percent of the time, eat real, whole foods. Twenty percent of the time, indulge. It’s okay to eat that cupcake you’ve been lusting afterbut just eat one. And then move on.

5. Take time to look in the mirror and pick out areas of your body that you likeyour eyes, hair, calves, etc. Then choose clothes that emphasize your favorite parts.

6. Create a training log for exercise and set it up with sets and reps a week in advance. The goals will motivate you so you’re not just aimlessly bouncing between different machines.

7. Invest in a few pairs of lacy, sexy, underwear. No one can see them, but knowing they’re on will be a secret that fuels you throughout the day.

8. Set athletic goals instead of weight loss ones. If you normally hit the gym, uh, never, make it a goal to walk around the block 10 times every other night after work. If you already exercise, train for a 5k.

9. Make workouts more fun and interesting. Try a zumba class or ballet so your workout doesn’t become so intensely focused on how many calories you’re burning per minute on the treadmill.

10. Take a “before” picture. This will help keep you motivated, and will make you feel incredibly satisfied when you finally take that “after” picture.