
Wednesday 8 June 2016

SA youths urged to build nation brand #BrandSouthAfrica

June 2016 sees South Africa commemorate Youth Month which also coincides with the 40th anniversary of the June 16, 1976 student uprising which is considered a pivotal point in South Africa’s struggle for liberation.

In commemorating this key milestone in the nation’s history – Brand South Africa calls on young people in particular, to embrace the role they have as change agents in South Africa.

Speaking about Youth Month 2016, Brand South Africa’s CEO Mr Kingsley Makhubela said, “Young people who are under the age of 35 constitute more than half of South Africa’s population. This is a significant proportion of our country and contributes to perceptions of our nation brand – that we are young, innovative, exciting and agile. We therefore all have a role to play in ensuring that our young citizens have the best opportunities to contribute to building our country and creating a reality that is matched with perceptions.”

“The South Africa of 2016 is vastly different to that of 1976 and the role you will play in transforming our country into one that is more equitable, may be slightly different but equally important. South Africa continues to have socio-economic challenges which impact on the cohesion of the nation, and the energy of young citizens should be harnessed to build the country.”

“Indeed, youth must be at the forefront of this struggle in order for South Africa to revive the spirit of pride, patriotism and active citizenship among young people. South Africa’s National Development Plan and National Youth Policy must guide the journey that will ensure young people are included and contribute towards inclusive growth and development in the country,”  concluded Mr Makhubela.

Youth Month 2016 is commemorated nationally under the theme: Youth Moving South Africa Forward.

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