
Wednesday 29 June 2016

5 reasons an employer hasnt called back after a job interview

Waiting for a response is stressful and it’s easy to let your mind run wild when coming up with reasons the employer hasn’t called. Was it your hair? Should you have answered a certain question differently? Put the kabosh on your what-if thought process; usually an employer hasn’t called back due to one of these five reasons.

1. Your Contact Info Was Wrong or Lost

A cover-letter must always include your contact information, even though you already put it on your resume. Prepare for the possibility that your papers might get separated so the hiring manager isn’t left without a way to contact you. Also, be sure to triple check your email address and phone number that you provide — there are few things more careless than providing incorrect contact information

2. They’re Taking Their Time

If your position is a newly created role the employer may not be in a rush to fill it; they’ll want to see a range of applicants before selecting one. Pay attention to the date the position was first listed — if you applied soon after it was posted, the employer may be holding out on making a decision until the job has been open for a certain amount of time.

3. There Aren’t Enough Hours in the Day

Keep in mind that your employment isn’t the only thing the hiring manager has on her plate, not to mention there are several people involved in hiring decisions. If it’s a particularly busy time in the industry then hiring could be a lower priority than usual.

4. An Offer Has Already Been Extended . . .

. . . to someone else. If the position has already been offered to another candidate and is waiting for that person to accept the offer, they’ll withhold from making contact with other applicants in the running. This process can take longer than you’d think — the preferred candidate could be on vacation or trying to negotiate salary. An employer won’t let you know a position has been filled until it’s been formalized.

5. The Position No Longer Exists

Shake-ups can occur that reorganize departments and eliminate the position you interviewed for. This kind of change can cause higher-ups to be distracted and they might not get around to announcing the news to candidates as soon as you’d hope.