
Tuesday 26 April 2016

Youth takes on the world through Green Shift Africa

Youths have constantly been criticized from shunning away from environmental issues. Kirtanya Lutchminarayan co-founded Green Shift Africa, an NPO that works towards a Green Economy; co-founded the UCT Fossil Fuel Divestment Campaign with ; initiated the EcoFuture Community Food Dome Project, is actively involved in GCI projects, and is a past Secretary of the BlueBuck Environmental Youth Network.

She is part of the organising team for the first African Student Energy Youth Summit, represented SA at the World Student Environmental Network Summit in 2014, attained first place at the United Nations Ocean Teacher Academy 2016 training in Belgium, after presenting SA’n environmental data to international scientists.

Borne out of the imperative to forge new partnerships for the delivery of water, food and energy security on the African continent, Green Shift Africa has bestrode the continent like a colusses and made the world take notice.

Youth Times caught up with Kirtanya to find out more about Green Shift Africa and what the future holds for the organisation

"The vision of Green Shift Africa (GSA) has been borne out of the imperative to forge new partnerships for the delivery of water, food and energy security on the African continent – partnerships with academics, governments, business and industry, and civil societies.

"Our three key goals are: Ending energy and food poverty and increasing access to clean
water and sanitation; Boosting Climate Resilient Agriculture on the continent, to enhance food and Agricultural production; And increasing energy efficiency, food production and efficient water use on the African continent. GSA is driven by imperatives of the sustainable development agenda to spur innovations in green technologies," she said

Being a Green Matter Fellow and Masters student in Marine Biology at the University of Cape Town, Kirtanya has established a series of projects and facilitated partnerships between UCT and WWF, Greenpeace and Fairtrade SA.

"As a young, upcoming organization, Green Shift Africa was launched at the first African Student Energy Summit. This took place in Cape Town and was powered by Student Energy, Canada. This was our first event and it was the first of its kind on the continent, bringing together youth from across Africa to discuss energy issues as well as a way forward. We have been part of initiating the EcoFuture Food Dome which is a uniquely designed community food garden that we aspire to roll out to communities in the future," she added.

The projects that Green Shift have administered have managed to attract interest from other youth on the continent who have seen it as a worthy initiative.

"We have gained overwhelming responses from youth and also professionals across Africa. Our membership is broad and includes diversity in terms of language, culture, background, profession, skills and age. The youth on our team are motivated and hopeful and are interested in being part of Green Shift Africa in a variety of capacities, in working toward a greener Africa," Kirtanya stressed out.

From Belgium to China to her native South Africa, Kirtanya focusses on empowering people to bring about active environmental change.

"I have visited Belgium and China and spread the word during my travels and training. The Green Shift word has been spread to India, Hong Kong, Canada and in fact, all around the world, through diverse networking opportunities. On many occasions we have received positive and encouraging words about our work from reputable companies and organisations as well as tangible marketing and management support from corporates," she concluded