
Wednesday 23 March 2016

Nomzamo Mbatha talks about succeeding

Nomzamo Mbatha is a household name. Not only is she known for her appearances in popular TV shows such as Isibaya and Umlilo, but also for her work as the South African ambassador for skincare brand Neutrogena. The star also very much has her head on her shoulders. Nomzamo initially wanted to be an accountant and started studying the subject at UCT. But fame was calling and she had to listen to her heart, so she decided to discontinue her studies and began working towards fulfilling her passion for acting instead.

Coming from a poor family in KwaMashu, KwaZulu-Natal, Nomzamo says it was difficult to make the choice between job security and going into the arts.

“I didn’t grow up in the most privileged home. I think I weighed the “passion versus reason” aspect with regards to what I wanted to do,” she explains.

Nomzamo says that during the time she was studying accounting, all she wanted to do was take care of her family

“My only dream was to go back home and fix my grandmother’s house and take care of my family because they were struggling,” she says. “There are still some who are struggling. I don’t know what it is about me, but I am a nurturer.”

Despite her small stature, there’s a dynamic personality. Nomzamo, who’s also started her own production company, commands the room with her looks as well as her words. “Serving my family is very important to me and drives me to work even harder. I didn’t want my brothers to be unable to attend the schools of their choice because there was no money at home. I wanted to change that narrative for my family.”

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