
Friday 1 May 2015

Load Shedding Tops SA Google Searches

Information about Eskom’s slow moving crisis is one of the hottest topics that South Africans searched for on Google during April.

According to Google’s Trends tool, ‘load shedding’ is one of the top searches performed locally as South Africans face the prospect of a winter with unreliable electricity supply.

But if the search results are anything to go by, more people are becoming aware of the need to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

“Ironically, Earth Day Quiz, the #1 search term for all of April, was the only other thing South African’s Googled about more than load shedding. The Earth Day Quiz was the doodle Google created to mark Earth Day on the 22nd of April,” said Google.

Beyond the issues around power, many people also searched for content related to the xenophobic attacks hurting South Africa’s international reputation.