
Friday 8 May 2015

Joburg Plans To Turn Water And Waste Into Energy

To solve Johannesburg water wastage problems and find ways harnessing new energy sources, the City of Joburg is turning to toilets and water.

Executive Mayor Parks Tau in his State of the City Address delivered this morning said that although the city has so far been able to meet the water supply demands despite Joburg’s ever-growing population – it has reached an equilibrium point between demand and supply and unless usage behaviour changes, demand will outstrip supply.

The city plans to install low-flush toilets and water-saving urinals in homes, offices and commercial sites and that fresh water pipes will now have turbines installed in them that will generate energy than can be used for electricity.

Tau also mentioned that gas for fuel and electricity will be harnessed from organic waste gathered from the city’s various waste separation projects.

The announcement of these projects form part of the City of Joburg’s first series of “Blue Economy” projects, which are aimed at re-using already existing materials to reduce wastage across the city.