
Thursday 30 April 2015

The Big Interview: Aces Brew Worx Founder And MD

Whether you like the frothy head in your craft beer or the crispy taste that pulls strings on your palate, there is no denying that the unique brewing process of craft beer makes it magical in more ways than one.

South Africa has a number of micro-breweries par excellence sprouted throughout the republic and one of these is found right here in the city of 'craft' gold - Johannesburg. The brainchild of university graduate, Dyllan Roach, Ace Brew Worx has grown from strength to strength satisfying the insatiable appetite of craft beer lovers.

AmazingAfrika caught up with Dyllan, founder and MD, and managed to distract him from his busy schedule to brew you the whole story behind this success story.

Farai Diza (FD): Can you tell us a bit about yourself and what inspired you to venture into craft beer?

Dyllan Roach (DR): Well I started a mining supply company straight out of University with a school friend, the concept of the company was based on a niche product that we thought could do really well on the mines. After the financial crash, customers stopped buying so I looked for an alternative business to get stuck into, At the time my brother and I had done some overseas trips and were well aware of the Craft beer craze in the States and Europe.

FD: When did you start producing craft beer? How was your first ever batch? What mechanisms did you use to improve your standards?

DR: We had already set up a company(The Tap Room Brew Supplies) distributing craft beer to a number of outlets in Gauteng and we had problems getting enough supply to fulfil the demand, So we decided to create our own Brand(Aces Brew Worx) we approached the biggest craft brewery in Gauteng at the time(Brewhogs) to contract brew the lager recipe we had been developing. We brewed our first commercial batch in June 2013.

FD: Can you take us through some of thed challenges you faced when you first set up shop and how you managed to overcome them?

DR: The biggest challenge has always been access to capital, Even today with the business thriving on both sides(Brands and distribution), The Cash flow is always a massive problem. We are now looking to Venture Capitalists to assist with this challenge or the company simply cannot survive with the current speed of growth.

FD: How would you describe the craft beer industry in South Africa? Has it been well embraced?

DR: I would say it is still in early maturation stage, there is still massive opportunity for growth. Problem is there are too many people entering the scene with too much money and too little knowledge about Beer/Brewing, and this is causing a little bit of damage to the industry. Only the brands with massive financial backing will survive in the long run.

FD: How have you faired thus far in the industry? Can you also take us through a stroll of some of your beers and how they came about?

DR: Currently Aces Lager is the second biggest craft brand on Tap in Gauteng and we have just launched into the Western Cape. We are going to continue to push to be the biggest, the best, with the highest quality of products.

Aces Lager was our baby, and currently the only Lager commercially available brewed with the wonder hop J17 in the world. We then Launched our Irish Red Ale which is still in development and constantly changing as we are still trying to perfect the recipe. After that we Launched our Bare Naked Blonde Ale which is just delicious and available at a few sites in Gauteng. Most recently we launched our Krystal Weiss which is a wheat beer and has banana flavours with a hint of Clove. We are currently in Recipe development phase right now and will be launching a beer that will take SA by storm! Watch this space.

FD: Where do you see yourself, say 5 years from now?

DR: Running a beach bar off the Mozambican coast, Haha, Well I can dream at least.

FD: Have you benefitted from participating at festivals? How has the response been from your customers at these festivals?

DR: Yes festivals are important so consumers can taste your products and ensure they enjoy before purchasing at Pubs and Liquor stores. Customers absolute love our products, we brew beer to be session able, whether it’s a lager or an IPA and our consumers love that. Many people call Aces the entrance “drug” of craft beer. Because we help peoples pallets across from Lager drinkers to try something Craft that’s still easy on the pallet.

FD: On a parting shot, what advice would you give to aspiring craft beer makers?

DR: Sanitise, sanitise and then when you think everything is clean, Sanitise again. And just because you make a great beer don’t think you can take it to market. Brewing beer and have a commercially ready beer/Brand are two very different things!

So there you have it. Like famous author William Shakespear once penned, FOR A QUART OF ALE IS A MEAL FOR A KING, be sure to spoil yourself with some Aces.

You can visit their website to find out where you can buy this golden liquid or call them on Tel: 011 334 6410.

They will be at the Jozi Craft Beer fest on the 9th of May.