
Friday 17 April 2015

New Herbal Blend That Works Miracles

A new herbal tonic that is a miracle for the entire body organs and cells has been unleashed by leading health and fitness experts, Jejupa Health and Fitness.

Aptly named Intervene Herbal, the tonic has immense benefits for the treatment of conditions such as allergies, blood infection, joint pain, scarring, yeast infection, candida, migraine, scores, herpes treatment, arthritis, chlamydia, neuralgic pain, skin blemishes, kidney infection, diabetes, prostrate, bladder infection, cystitis, acne, eczema, psoriases, tumours, AIDS support, skin rash, urinary tract, boils.

Intervene Herbal is a mixture of organic herbs and essential oils formulated to remove toxins and restore balance.

Retailing at just R250 a bottle, the benefits are outrageous. According to Jejupa, the herbal blend is also SABS authenticated and tested.

"Our latest product is a highly concentrated herbal tonic taken 2-3 times a day in 10ml form of liquid, a minimum 3 bottles is required for effective results, each bottle is 250ml," explains Paris Loupis, Owner of Jejupa.

"Almost everyone can use this product as it has the SABS stamp of approval, the only temporary limitation is pregnancy. it has not yet been tested for pregnancy and the lab wants 100k for the lab test," Paris says.

The herbal blend is highly recommended for HIV as tests have shown to shoot the CD4 count sky high.

"Herbal medicine is surely the healthiest way to go in terms of medicines. I have personally been in the market for 2 years now in my sports management business and am growing steadily and for surely," concludes Paris.

If you would like to try out this herbal miracle, contact Paris on 011 039 2775 - office or 079 360 7343 - cell or alternatively visit their website on