
Thursday 22 January 2015

The Rich Will Get Richer And Own More Than Half Of Global Wealth

That’s right, the richest 1% of people in the world will, according to a new report released by Oxfam, own more than what the other 99% of earths inhabitants own. That’s enough to make anyone doubt their own career prospects.

Bill Gates: $76bn – Microsoft (self-made)
Carlos Slim Helu and family: $72bn – Telecom (self-made)
Amancio Ortega: $64bn – Zara (self-made)
Warren Buffett: $58.2 – Berkshire Hathaway (self-made)
Larry Ellison: $48bn – Oracle (self-made)
Charles Koch: $40bn – Diversified (inherited and growing)
David Koch: $40bn – Diversified (inherited and growing)
Sheldon Adelson: $38bn – Casinos (self-made)
Christy Walton & family: $36.7bn – Wal-mart (inherited)
Jim Walton: $34.7bn – Wal-Mart (inherited)
Liliane Bettencourt and family: $34.5bn – L’Oreal (inherited)
Stefan Persson: $34.4bn – H&M (inherited and growing)
Alice Walton: $34.3bn – Wal-Mart (inherited)
S. Robson Walton: $34.2bn – Wal-Mart (inherited)
Bernard Arnault and family: $33.5bn – LVMH (inherited and growing)
Michael Bloomberg: $33bn – Bloomberg LP (self-made)
Larry Page: $32.3bn – Google (self-made)
Jeff Bezos: $32bn – (self-made)
Sergey Brin: $31.8bn – Google (self-made)
Li Ka-shing: $31bn – Diversified (self-made)

What have you done today to make you feel proud?